MOCA Pt 5: Print and Radio

Print and Radio may seem like the advertising media of a bygone era, but they can still be an important tool in telling a co-op’s story and distinguishing a cooperative from its competitors.  In this session, participants will learn about strategies for making the best use of print, radio, and television and gain an understanding of the different types of relational customers. Participants will have to opportunity to write a 30-second radio ad that they can use as a template for other customers groups. 

Presenter: John A. McNamara

John is a Senior Cooperative Development Specialist with the Northwest Cooperative Development Center. John has 26 years of practical experience in the worker cooperative world with Union Cab of Madison. John holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration and a Masters in Management: Cooperative and Credit Unions from Saint Mary’s University (Halifax). At Union Cab, John spent 14 years in charge of the co-op’s and messaging and plays a similar role for NWCDC as part of his duties.

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