Marketing Our Cooperative Advantage

Marketing Our Cooperative Advantage

This series of trainings focus on different aspects of marketing the cooperative advantage.  

This series of webinars will help new and experienced co-ops engage their marketing strategies to highlight the cooperative nature of their business model. Cooperatives enjoy a high level of trust among consumers due to the values and principles shared by c0-op through the Cooperative Identity. These webinars are free to the public but will have a more rural focus as they were originally planned to be held in person in Ashland, OR, Astoria, OR, and Olympia, WA. 

E1 Design and Content

Ep2 The Coop Advantage

Ep 3 Business Model Canvas

Part 3: Business Model Canvas

Thursday, September 10, 2000 3:00 pm pdt

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Ep 4 Digital Media

E 5: Print and Radio

Part 5: Print and Radio

Complaint Management

Part 6: Walking the Talk: Complaint Management

Friday, September 25, 2020  10:00 am pdt

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E 5: Print and Radio

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