Management education native to the co-operative experience has been growing over the last decade. NWCDC is proud to be associated with three exciting programs. NWCDC is a member of the Co-operative Management Education Co-operative which provides curriculum and support for the Masters program at St. Mary’s University in Nova Scotia. One of our developers, John McNamara,graduated from this program and will be teaching in the Pinchot University Certificate program. Another member of our team, Matt Fast received his MBA from Pinchot. This winter, we will host our fourth regional conference on co-ops. Three separate programs to fit your needs and schedule.

pinchotCertificate in Co-op Management

Pinchot University will be offering an on-line, four course certificate in co-op management in 2016. the courses offer a deep dive into cooperative management, theory and finances with the opportunity to “undertake a ‘real world’ project in the cooperative sector. Visit their web site for more information. The first class begins in January 2016!
Class 1: Introduction to the Co-op Sector.
Class 2: Governance and Finance in Co-ops
Class 3: Management in Co-ops
Class4: Either a Co-op Practicum or an International Co-op Field Study
Weekly classes occur on-line with monthly all day workshops at Pinchot’s Seattle campus near Pioneer Square.

smu  Executive Management Retreat

St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia offers a special weekend retreat entitled “Co-operative Management Strategies to Strengthen Identity, Loyalty and Overall Business Performance” with Dr. Daniel  Côté Professor Emeritus, HEC Montreal and Dr. Sonja Novkovic of St. Mary’s. The three day intensive workshop will cover the co-op approach to management, understanding the competitive advantage of the cooperative model and analysis of current co-op economic trends in a global context.
The weekend takes place at The Lord Nelson Hotel in the heart of downtown Halifax May 12-14, 2016
Email Masood Baqi for questions and information.


Cultivating Co-operative Roots Conference

We are gathering communities, policy makers, cooperatives and individuals in order to:

  1. Build cooperative business skills to support successful ventures
  2. Nurture strategic alliances and strengthen relationships between co-op sectors using access to local foods as a common thread.
  3. Celebrate successful examples and learn from other cooperatives.

Spokane, WA

February 5-7, 2016.