Management education native to the co-operative experience has been growing over the last decade. NWCDC is proud to be associated with three exciting programs. NWCDC is a member of the Co-operative Management Education Co-operative which provides curriculum and support for the Masters program at St. Mary’s University in Nova Scotia. One of our developers, John McNamara,graduated from this program and will be teaching in the Pinchot University Certificate program. Another member of our team, Matt Fast received his MBA from Pinchot. This winter, we will host our fourth regional conference on co-ops. Three separate programs to fit your needs and schedule.
Certificate in Co-op Management
Executive Management Retreat
Cultivating Co-operative Roots Conference
We are gathering communities, policy makers, cooperatives and individuals in order to:
- Build cooperative business skills to support successful ventures
- Nurture strategic alliances and strengthen relationships between co-op sectors using access to local foods as a common thread.
- Celebrate successful examples and learn from other cooperatives.
Spokane, WA
February 5-7, 2016.